On this Food and Culture Tour Belgrade, you will not only taste a lot of delicious food but also gain a lot of new knowledge. This fun stroll could easily replace a university lecture! We’ll talk about the Balkans’ eventful history and Serbia as it is today, as well as the culture and traditions of this country we’re so fond of. And there’s even more to discover!
- We’ll uncover the secrets of Serbian ritual cuisine: you’ll learn what every hostess prepares for Slava, the main family celebration, and what locals eat at Christmas and Easter. You’ll also learn how honey, wine, and wheat are used in these festivities. Spoiler: they’re not for eating!
- We’ll explore how Turkish and Austrian culinary traditions blended into such an exciting fusion. And, of course, you’ll try the most notable dishes inspired by both “East” and “West.”
- We’ll find out how many times a day and exactly what Serbs eat for breakfast, and we’ll see how they lift their spirits right from the morning with the traditional “doručak.”
- We’ll uncover the three horsemen of the Serbian gastronomic apocalypse: pljeskavica, ćevapi, and uštipci.
- We’ll talk about why rakija is more than just a drink, and explore the symbolic meaning behind different dishes.
And that’s not all—we have plenty more fascinating things to share!
This is a private experience, so we’ll talk about what you find most interesting—whatever it may be! Join us for a Food & Culture Tour in Belgrade that’s both delicious and fascinating!